Note: This post will be updated as I can with trip photos, info, etc. from Day 1!
Day 1 of the trip will see me travel from Bloomington, IN to Fort Madison, IA (or thereabouts in the area).
Anticipated Total Mileage: 323 miles
Actual Total Mileage: 296.8 miles
Miles traveled so far: 296.8
Alright, Day 1 in the bag! I learned that Illinois is mostly flat, mostly treeless, and dark when it is night time 😉
I left Bloomington around 1215 pm after some tearful goodbyes. Up through Terra Haute, and into Illinois.
Also made it to Oakland (6days ahead of schedule 😉 ) and San Jose
After Decatur, I checked my map perhaps half a dozen times, looking forward to getting to Nauvoo State Park. Each time it said “about 45 minutes.” 2 hours, a gravel road at 40 (thanks Google maps for the heart attack and dumb reroute), and a lovely post-it drive along the Mississippi, I arrived at Nauvoo. The park, not very well labeled, was found 15 minutes later.
No pictures of the camp site (dark on set up, dark on breakdown), but it was a nice hammock sleeping night.
Want to Help? That would be super-cool!
Than trip should take an estimated 10 days maximum, and roughly 3,000 miles. That will take a bit of a toll on the ol’ wallet, so I am happy to take any donations my generous friends would like to offer. For reference:
$3 will get me approximately 70 miles closer to my goal.
$15 will feed me for the day
$35 will get me one night at a Tent Campsite at a KOA Campsite
$40 will buy me one tire when I get to my destination (as the rear tire will likely be spent by then!)
$75 will get me one night at a hotel (and more importantly, a shower!)
If you would like to donate, feel free to leave a comment (they are private until I approve them, or you can email me at bryrhoey at gmail) and I can set that up, or you can send me money via PayPal! 🙂
If you live along the route, and don’t mind me camping/crashing/eating with you, I’d appreciate that too!
You’ll have my undying gratitude, and numerous shout outs on the various media I will be posting to (facebook, IG, this blog, twitter, maybe youtube, etc.)